

Intellectual Capital Management and Reporting in Research Institutions
摘要 随着知识经济的兴起和知识生产模式的变化,科研机构面临着越来越多的挑战,而智力资本理论作为新的管理工具,正符合科研机构在知识经济时代对知识管理和生产的需要。通过分析科研机构面临的挑战、科研机构的特点和国外科研机构智力资本的管理经验,发现国内外对科研机构智力资本的研究还存在很多不足,有待进一步发展。 With the advance of knowledge economy and the change of the knowledge production mode, research institutions are facing increasing challenges. The intellectual capital can function as a new management tool to help develop and allocate research resources and activities, and as a communication device, intellectual capital will link the institution to the stakeholder and as a way to attract resources. However, research about intellectual capital management and reporting in research institutions is limited and needs further development.
作者 于蒙 杨志萍
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期95-97,106,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 科学研究 智力资本 科研机构 智力资本管理 智力资本报告 scientific research intellectual capital research institution intellectual capital management intellectual capital reporting
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