16世纪以后,中国的进步极为艰难,是因为以明代为典型,皇权制度和皇权发展得极为完备坚固,因而呈现出全面的逆现代性。其具体路径至少包括: 1、专制权力的膨胀和制度约束的失效; 2、专制体制空前强化,在社会文化和国民政治心理的一切层面中,都有强烈而广泛的“辐射效应”; 3、社会伦理整体性的“黑洞化”及其对社会资源和良性机制灭绝性破坏; 4、诸如信息渠道的高度扭曲变形等“晚期专制综合症”; 5、专制权力笼盖下的“伪商品经济”泛滥; 6、“臣民人格”和“臣妾心理”对国民群体的沦肌浃髓。
The Ming Dynasty witnessed the peak of royal power in China. First,autocracy expanded unrestrained and power check was totally missing.Second,the expanding autocracy had a“ radiative” impact on all dimensions of social culture and national ethos.Third social morality was entirely“ vacuumized” and social resources were destroyed. Fourth,the so- called“ late autocratic syndrome” was manifest,such as the block of information channel. Fifth,pseudo commodity economy went rampant under the vault of autocracy.Sixth,civilians were rendered as“ subjects” and slavishness cut people to the marrow.
Open Times