
约制与建构:环境议题的呈现机制 基于A市市民反建L垃圾焚烧厂的省思 被引量:21

Restriction and Construction: The Mechanism in the Presentation of Environmental Issues—A Contemplation of Citizens’ Opposition to Building L Garbage Incineration Plant in City A
摘要 本文在回顾和梳理环境事实论与环境建构论的基础上,剖析了环境议题呈现的社会机制,并以A市市民反对L垃圾焚烧发电厂建设的过程为例诠释这一机制。研究发现,环境议题的呈现机制包括了群体利益冲突、差异性认知和主张竞争、权力和资源及策略运作三个环节。环境议题不仅是客观环境现象的持续再现,更内卷了人们对环境问题的关注、认知和判断;它的提出、表达和形成正逐步由"政府主导型"和"精英主导型"向"环境利益相关者共构型"过渡;环境议题呈现了不确定性和模式化趋势的特征,这既暗示了风险社会的到来,也见证了公众对环境公正和政治平等日渐强烈的呼声,以及市民社会成长与结构性限制之间的张力。 Recently, the main theoretical task of environmental sociology is gradually shifting from trying to identify factors detrimental to the environment to aiming at discovering effective mechanisms to improve the environment. The prerequisite of the latter goal is a clear description of what leads to the central environmental issues. Based on the review of the research on environmental problems from the perspectives of environmental realism and environmental constructivism, this paper analyzes the social mechanism in the presentation of environmental issues, which is explained in the case of citizens' opposition to building L Garbage Incineration Plant in City A. Firstly, the mechanism for the emergence of environmental issues consists of three closely- connected links: group interest conflict; cognitive difference and claim competition; and power, resources and strategic operation. Environmental agenda not only is a continuous extension of the objective environmental conditions but also involves people's attention, cognition and judgment. On the one hand, the evolving of environmental issues is restricted by the established patterns of the structural factors such as interests, power and resources. On the other hand, it is also adjusting its direction, contents and expression to people's constantly changing cognition and strategic action. In turn, successfully putting new environmental issues on the agenda may alter the original structural constraint. Secondly, there is a gradual transition in how environmental issues are presented, that is, from being guided by the government or the elite to environmental stakeholders working together. This transition indicates diverse interest groups and also, signifies a change in the social structure. Thirdly, the two characteristics of environmental issues, uncertainty and imitation, suggest a risky society, and evidences the public desire for environmental justice and political equality, as well as the tension between the citizens' social growth and structural limitation.
作者 龚文娟
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期161-194,共34页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(11CSH019) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(10YJC840025) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2010221013) 福建省社会科学规划一般项目(2012B078)的资助~~
关键词 环境议题 约制 建构 环境公正 政治平等 environmental issues, restriction, construction, environmental justice, political equality
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