通过田间筛选的G系列水稻耐盐新品系生理生化指标和形态学指标的测定,进一步鉴定筛选的耐盐水稻的耐盐性。采用沙培法培养水稻幼苗,在水稻幼芽期和两叶一心期进行盐处理,设清水、0.3%NaCl、0.6%NaCl、0.9%NaCl 4个浓度盐溶液浇灌植株。前者,待两叶一心期,测定丙二醛(MDA)含量、脯氨酸(Pro)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和株高;后者,从浇盐水当天开始算起,分别测定第3天和第6天水稻的上述4个指标。结果显示,G16、G20这两个新品系在两个处理下都是随着盐浓度的增加,MDA含量逐渐降低,但在同一浇灌条件下均低于对照G6;Pro含量逐渐升高,但在同一浇灌条件下均高于对照G6;SOD活性先增强后减弱,但在同一浇灌条件下均高于对照G6;随着盐浓度的增加株高逐渐减小,但在同一浇灌条件下均高于对照G6。通过MDA含量、PRO含量、SOD活性和株高的显著变化,由此得出田间筛选出的水稻G16、G20的耐盐性都强于对照G6,从生理角度和形态学角度证实了田间筛选耐盐水稻结果的正确性,也证实了丙二醛含量、脯氨酸含量、SOD活性和株高可以做为水稻耐盐性鉴定的生理生化指标和形态学指标。
Through inspecting physiological indexes and plant height of G series salt-tolerant rice varieties of field screening, we can further appraisal salt resistance of new screening salt-tolerant rice varieties. We cultivate rice seedlings by sand culture method. The rice in growing period of seedling and were treated with different concentrations of NaC1 ( 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9% ) and clear water. The former, we measured MDA content, Pro content, SOD activity and palnt height in the third leaf stage. The above 4 indicators were measured in third day and sixth day, which begin to run from the day of pouring salt water. With the salt concentration increasing in the two treatments, the MDA content in H5, H6 were gradually decreased, however, in the same watering conditions are lower than the control G6 ; Pro content increased gradually, However, in the same watering conditions are higher than the control G6 ; SOD content increased first, and then decreased, however, in the same watering conditions are higher than the control G6. There were significant change in MDA content, Pro content, SOD activity and paint height. The study was obtained that G series salt-tolerant rice varieties of field screening were stronger than the control G6. The results indicate the validity of G series salt-tolerant rice varieties from physiological indexes to plant height. Experiments conducted that MDA content ; Pro content, SOD activity and paint height can be used as physiological indexes and morphological indicators for Identification of Genetic Dissection of Salt Tolerance.
Biotechnology Bulletin
Rice Salt resistance Physiological Biochemical indexes