
基于比相法的天线阵测向算法 被引量:3

Direction-Finding Algorithm for Antenna Array Based on Phase Comparison Method
摘要 提出了一种基于比相法的5阵元天线阵列测向算法,并对该算法进行了误差仿真分析。仿真结果表明,该算法虽具有较高精度,但在特定的方位角范围内会引起较大误差。针对该缺点,采用了旋转参考阵元方法,使得该测向算法在全方位角范围内获得了均匀分布的误差估计值,其均方根误差小于0.1°。 A direction-finding algorithm is proposed based on the phase comparison method for the pentagonal antenna array and the error is analyzed by the numerical simulation. The simula- tion result shows that the algorithm has a high degree of accuracy but a rising error in the certain angular range. Aimed at the disadvantage, a method for rotating the reference error estimations are uniformly distributed in the whole angular range, and the error (RMSE) is less than 0. 1° by the direction-finding algorithm. unit is used, the root-mean-square
出处 《指挥信息系统与技术》 2012年第6期40-44,共5页 Command Information System and Technology
关键词 测向算法 5阵元天线阵列 比相法 direction-finding algorithm pentagonal antenna array phase comparison method
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