以对甲苯磺酸为催化剂、甲苯为带水剂,以马来酸酐和十八醇为原料合成马来酸双十八酯。考察了原料配比、催化剂用量、带水剂用量和反应时间等因素对反应过程的影响,并测定了动力学数据。通过实验得到了反应工艺条件:n(十八醇)∶n(马来酸酐)=2.3∶1,对甲苯磺酸用量为马来酸酐和十八醇总质量的0.5%,甲苯用量为马来酸酐和十八醇总质量的96%,反应温度≤130℃、反应时间为4.0h,在该条件下马来酸酐的转化率达到98.76%。合成马来酸单十八酯的反应为二级反应,速率方程中的指前因子为0.655 152L/(mol.min),活化能为17.82kJ/mol。合成马来酸双十八酯的反应为二级反应,速率方程中的指前因子为1.539 51×1011 L/(mol.min),活化能为98.05kJ/mol。
Synthesis of dioctadecyl maleate from maleic anhydride and octadecyl alcohol with p-tol uenesulphonic acid as catalyst and toluene as water removal agent was studied. The effects of reaction conditions, such as mole ratio of octadecyl alcohol to maleic anhydride, catalyst dosage, toluene dosage and reaction time were examined. The kinetic data of this system were measured in a batch reactor. The optimum reaction conditions were found as follows., mole ratio, n(octadecyl alcohol) : n(maleic anhydride) = 2.3 : 1;p-toluenesulphonic acid as catalyst dosage, 0. 5% (mass of catalyst relative to to- tal mass of maleic anhydride and octadecyl alcohol) toluene as water removal agent dosage, 96 % (mass of water removal agent relative to total mass of maleic anhydride and octadecyl alcohol);reaction tem- perature,≤130 ℃; reaction time, 4. 0 h. Conversion of maleic anhydride by the process achieves 98. 76%. The reaction of octadecyl alcohol with maleic anhydride producing monooctadecyl maleate is a second-order reaction with p-toluenesulphonic acid as catalyst. The pre-exponential factor of its rate e- quation obtained is 0. 655 152 L/(mol · min)and the activation energy is 17. 82 kJ/mol. The reaction of octadecyl alcohol with monooctadecyl maleate acid producing dioctadecyl maleates is a second-order re- action with p-toluenesulphonic acid as catalyst. The pre-exponential factor of its rate equation obtained is 1. 539 51× 1011 L/(mol · min)and the activation energy is 98.05 kJ/mol.
China Elastomerics