
对我国成本效果阈值确定方法的思考 被引量:5

Considerations of methods for determining cost-effectiveness threshold in China
摘要 目的:对成本效果阈值现有的主要确定方法进行分析,寻找适合我国的阈值确定方法,为我国成本效果阈值的确定及应用奠定基础。方法:通过文献综述的方法,对目前主要的成本效果阈值确定方法进行回顾分析和归纳总结,在此基础上找出适合我国的成本效果阈值确定方法。结果:社会意愿支付法、阈值寻找者模式、人均GDP法均对我国成本效果阈值的确定有重要的借鉴意义。结论:建议以阈值寻找者模式为主、以人均GDP法(社会意愿支付法)为参考来确定我国的成本效果阈值,在寻找我国的成本效果阈值期间,可暂时先借鉴人均GDP法确定的经济性评价标准。 Objective: To analyze the main existing methods of cost-effectiveness threshold,and to provide the basis for the determination and use of cost-effectiveness threshold in China.Methods: The main existing methods were analyzed and reviewed retrospectively to find out the appropriate method(s) in China.Results: Social willing-to-pay approach,ICER threshold-searcher-model and GDP per capita approach were very important references to appropriately determine the cost-effectiveness threshold in China.Conclusion: The recommendation for appropriate determination of cost-effectiveness threshold in China is that the ICER threshold-searcher-model can be used as the main determining method,and the GDP per capita approach(social willing-to-pay approach) as the reference.We can temporarily use GDP per capita as a replacement of the real threshold.
作者 宗欣 孙利华
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第24期2857-2860,共4页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 成本效果阈值确定方法 社会意愿支付法 阈值寻找者模式 人均GDP法 cost-effectiveness threshold determining method social willing-to-pay methods ICER threshold searcher model GDP per capita
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