Objective To observe the morphological changes of hairs in two patients with loose anagen hair syndrome. Methods Light microseopy, scanning eleetrom mieroseopy and transmission eleetron microscopy were used to observe the morphology of hair shaft and follicles fi'om two patients, including a 3-year-old girl ehihl and her mother, with loose anagen hair swldrome. Results Light microscopy revealed tirol hair bulb was de- formed, hair shaft was distorted, damaged, and even disrupted, and hairs tapered in diameter at their distal end. Seanning electron microseopy showed defiwmed or dislorted hair shaft and wave-like edge of hair et, tieles. Transmission eleciron mieroscop.x revealed that pathological changes were mainly localized in the inner root sheath with vaetmlizalion in both inner and outer root sheath cells. Intercellular adhesion was weak with a decrease or disap- pearance of desmosomes. Conclusion The pathological changes of hairs are mainly localized in the inner root sheath in patients with loose anagen hair syndrome.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology