Objective: To compare IVF outcomes with ultra-long protocol and antagonist protocol in women of low ovarian reserve and advanced age (≥40 years old). Methods: A total of 120 patients aging over 40 years old with low ovarian reserve undergoing IVF (total number of AFC was 3-7) were prospectively randomized into 2 groups: group A, 55 patients were down-regulated with two dosages of GnRHa (ultra-long protocol); group B, 65 patients were subjected to flexible antagonist. All participants met the following inclusion criteria: with less than 3 cycles, with no uterine abnormalities and hydrosalpinges. Results: Gn dosage (3 955.2 ±1 194.3 IUvs2 022.5 ±610.1 IU) and duration (11.7 ±1.9 dvs 9.1 ±1.7 d), E2 level (2 452.7 ± 1 285.6 pg/ml vs 1 257.7 ± 696.0 pg/ml) and endometrial thickness (12.1 ± 2.3 mm vs 11.3± 2.0 mm) on hCG injection day in groupA were higher than those in group B. There were no significant differences in cancellation rate, the number of high-quality embryos, pregnancy rate, implantation rate, abortion rate and pregnancy rate between the two groups. The LH level (1.0 ±0.5 mlU/ml) and P/E2 ratio (0.3± 0.2) in group A were much lower than those in group B (3.4 ±2.4 mIU/ml, 0.5 ± 0.2). Conclusion: Abundant down- regulation with modified ultra-long GnRHa protocol results in a satisfying LH level, P/E2 ratio and endometrial thickness, hMG used in ultra-long GnRI-Ia protocol both decreases expenses and increases endometrial receptivity by supplying LH. Therefore, modified ultra-long GnRHa protocol is a cost-effective and proper choice to older women with low ovarian reserve.
Reproduction and Contraception
modified ultra-long GnRHa protocol
flexible antagonist protocol
in-vitro fertilization and embryotransfer (IVF-ET)
advanced reproductive age
low ovarian reserve