本文以民事执行中的说服教育原则为切入点 ,透视了强制执行制度在我国现阶段社会与法制发展过程中的位置。在追问说服教育原则的含义 ,分析其法理上蕴含的矛盾 ,并进行比较法和历史的考察之后 ,作者指出 ,说服教育原则扩大了执行程序的容量 ,有助于这一制度在市场相对缺乏秩序、地方保护主义泛滥以及应付这些问题的其他制度供应不足等复杂困难的局面下依然保持运转 ;但该原则同时也给执行制度带来内在的扭曲和变形 ,并使我国法制建设深层结构上的矛盾得到再生产。本文还结合“审执分立”及“执行难”等问题对此观点做了进一步的阐释。
On the basis of the principle of persuasion and education in civil cases, the author investigates the place and role of the system of coercive execution in the current stage of social and legal development. After examining the meaning of the principle of persuasion and education, analyzing its internal jurisprudential contradictions and making a comparative and historical investigation, the author points out that the principle of persuasion and education enlarges the capacity of enforcement procedures, and helps keep the enforcement system going when market order is still incomplete, there is rampant local protectionism, and an insufficient number of other systems to deal with these problems. However, this principle also distorts the enforcement system and reproduces underlying contradictions in China's legal construction. The paper also explores this point of view in connection with “separation of trial from enforcement” and the “difficulties of enforcement.”
Social Sciences in China