
胎粪性肠梗阻诊治经验 被引量:3

Diagnosis and treatment of meconium ileos PEI
摘要 目的总结我院对胎粪性肠梗阻的诊治经验。方法回顾我院7年间收治的13例胎粪性肠梗阻患儿临床资料,男6例,女7例,早产儿8例,低体重儿6例。10例简单型,3例复杂型。着重从症状、年龄、性别、出生体重等临床特征进行分析总结,重点讨论术前诊断,术中处置,一期手术后的处理经验。结果保守治疗1.例,经阑尾残端行胎粪疏通2例,一期行肠切除吻合1例,术后恢复良好,回肠造瘘术9例,其中5例行了关瘘,3例造瘘后放弃治疗,1例造瘘后失去联系,所有病例未见有纤维囊性病变症状。结论胎粪性肠梗阻好发于早产及低体重儿,胎粪性肠梗阻似乎并不是纤维囊性病变的伴发症状。不手术不灌肠的保守治疗需慎重,条件允许可行一期肠切除吻合或胎粪疏通,处置得当的双腔造瘘是较好的选择之一。 Objective To summarize our experience on the diagnosis and treatment of meconium ileus (MI). Methods In the last 7 years, 13 patients included 6 males and 7 females were diagnosed with MI, and underwent treatment at this department. Among these patients, 8 patients were prema- ture infants, and 6 were low birth weight newborns. Ten were simple MI, and the other 3 were com- plicated MI. The symptom, age, gender, birth weight and other clinical data were analyzed retrospec- tively. Results One patient underwent conservative treatment. Two patients" meconium was removed by saline irrigation via the appendiceal stump. One patient underwent intestinal resection and anasto- mosis. All these 4 patients recovered without any complications after surgery. The other 9 patients underwent enterostomy, and 5 of them were performed secondary operation 3-12 months later to close the enterostomy. Three patients gave up further treatment and one lost follow-up. No symptom of cystic fibrosis was noted in all patients. Conclusions Meconium ileus is predominantly seen in prema- ture and low birth weight newborns. An individualized treatment plan should be made for each patient to improve the clinical outcome.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期30-33,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 肠梗阻 胎粪 巨结肠 先天性 Intestinal obstruction Meconium Hirschsprungs disease
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