
《灵枢》恢刺法治疗颈型颈椎病疗效观察 被引量:41

Efficacy observation on neck type cervical spondylosis treated with relaxing needling(Huici) recorded in Lingshu(Miraculous Pivot)
摘要 目的:观察运用《灵枢》恢刺法治疗颈型颈椎病的临床疗效,以及中德两国患者之间的疗效差异。方法:将62例颈型颈椎病患者随机分为恢刺组(中国患者16例、德国患者15例)和常规针刺组(中国患者16例、德国患者15例)各31例。两组均取风池与肩井穴足少阳经脉循行路线连线上,颈部胸锁乳突肌与斜方肌纵向间隙的"分肉之间"6~8个压痛点,恢刺组采用《灵枢》恢刺法,常规针刺组采用常规针刺法,均治疗10次为一疗程,1个疗程后观察两组疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)评分、颈部症状与体征评分变化与临床疗效。结果:两组治疗后疼痛VAS评分、颈部症状与体征评分均较治疗前明显降低(均P<0.01),恢刺组以上评分较常规针刺组降低更明显(均P<0.01);恢刺组总有效率为93.5%(29/31),优于常规针刺组的74.2%(23/31,P<0.05);恢刺组中国患者愈显率为93.8%(15/16),优于恢刺组德国患者的60.0%(9/15,P<0.05);常规针刺组中国患者与德国患者疗效相当(P>0.05)。结论:《灵枢》恢刺法治疗颈型颈椎病有较好的临床疗效,能够缓解颈部疼痛等不适症状,其疗效优于常规针刺法,并且中国患者的疗效优于德国患者。 Objective To observe the efficacy of neck type cervical spondylosis treated with relaxing needling (Huici) in Lingshu (Miraculous Pivot) and make a comparison of curative effect between Chinese and German patients. Methods Sixty-two cases of cervical spondylosis were randomized into a relaxing needling group (16 Chinese patients, 15 German patients) and a conventional acupuncture group (16 Chinese patients, 15 German patients), 31 cases in each one. Six to 8 tender points were selected on the running course of Foot-Sbaoyang meridian, from Fengchi (GB 20) to ianjing (C-B 21), in the axial clearance between tile sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles in both groups. In the relaxing needling group, the relaxing needling technique (Huici) recorded in Lingshu (Miraculous Pivot) was adopted. In the conventional acupuncture group, the conventional needling technique was adopted. Ten treatments made one session. After 1 session of treatment, the score of pain visual analogue scale (VAS), the score changes in neck symptoms and physical signs as well as the clinical efficacy were observed in two groups. Results VAS score and the score of neck symptoms and physical signs after treatment were all reduced apparently as compared with those before treatment in the two groups (all P〈0.01). In the rela xing needling group, the above scores were reduced more apparently as compared with the conventional acupunc ture group (all P〈0. 01). The total effective rate was 93.5% (29/31) in the relaxing needling group, which was superior to 74.2% (23/31) in the conventional acupuncture group (P〈0.05). In the relaxing needling group, the curative and markedly effective rate for Chinese patients was 93. 8% (15/16), which was better than 60. 0% (9/15) for German patients (P〈O. 05). The efficacies were the same between Chinese patients and German pa tients in the conventional acupuncture group (P〉0.05). Conclusion The relaxing needling (Huici) in Ling shu (Miraculous Pivot) achieves the satisfactory clinical efficacy on neck type cervical spondylosis. It relieves the dis comforts of neck such as pain and the efficacy is superior to the conventional acupuncture. The efficacy for Chinese patients is better than German patients.
作者 陆永辉
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期20-24,共5页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
关键词 颈椎病 针刺疗法 恢刺法 灵枢 cervical spondylosis acupuncture therapy relaxing needling (Huiei) Lingshu (Miraculous Piw)t
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