

Research Progress in NASA Earth-based Analog Missions for Manned Planetary Spaceflight
摘要 载人星际飞行期间,航天员需要完成比绕地球低轨道飞行更为复杂的任务并克服更多苛刻环境威胁,为了完成前期工程研制、航天员训练、任务实施等研究,必须进行大量的地面模拟试验。NASA在过去10年实施了6项模拟计划,试验内容从单一设备测试到综合性多任务大型试验,研究内容不断扩展和细化,研究深入性不断增强。本文对这些模拟计划的类别和研究模式进行了探讨,分析了总体研究特点,并结合我国实际情况,给出我国航天医学工程领域实施载人星际飞行地面模拟试验需要的研究内容建议。 During manned planetary spaceflight, astronauts should accomplish more complicated missions and conquer harsher environments than low earth orbit spaceflight. Therefore, to realize the engineering develop- ment, astronaut training and task implementation, a vast amount of earth-based analog missions must be car- ried out. During the past 10 years, NASA has conducted 6 analog missions on Earth, ranging from simple hardware tests to large scale integrated muhi-task analog missions. The contents of study have been extended and specified and the depth of study was enhanced. This paper discussed the categories and research para- digms of these analog missions and analyzed the research characteristics. In the end, according to the real sit- uations of China, recommendations for space medicine and medical engineering researches in the manned planetary spaceflight ~round analo~ missions in China were orooosed.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期479-484,共6页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 装备技术基础项目(HQ1101)
关键词 地面模拟试验 航天飞行模拟器 载人星际飞行 ground-based analog missions space flight simulators manned planetary spaceflight.
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