OBJECTIVE: To analyze the application of percutaneous CT or ultrasound-guided biopsy in the diagnosis of osteosarcoma. METHODS: This retrospective study included 60 cases of osteosarcoma treated from 12-01-2003 to 12- 01-2011. Of those 60 cases,21 were performed with use of computed tomography (CT) guidance to target the osseous ab- normality without extraosseous mass. Totally 39 cases with extraosseous soft tissue mass were performed with use of ul- trasonography (US). The result of percutaneous biopsy were compared with the pathology after surgery. RESULTS: Of the 39 tumors performed with ultrasound-guided biopsy, 36 were definitively diagnosed as osteosarcoma (92. 31%). A- mong the 39 tumors,3 cases had no definitive diagnose,which were diagnosed as osteosarcoma by the method of open bi- opsy. Seventeen of the 21 CT-guided biopsies were conclusive (80.95%). All 60 percutaneous can result in a diagnostic ac- curacy as high as 88.33 %. There were no complication such as hemorrhage, hematoma,infection and vascular or nerve in- juries. One misdiagnose pereutaneous biopsy diagnosed as dropsical musculature then pathology diagnosed as eommunis osteosarcoma,another percutaneous biopsy diagnosed as axunge tissue then pathology diagnosed as high differentiate os- teosarcoma. CONCLUSIONS.. Percutaneous biopsy is safe and accurate method for diagnosis of osteosareoma. US-guided biopsy of the extraosseous soft-tissue mass is a highly accurate diagnostic tool.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment