
金融机构说明义务规则之构建——立足于消费者为中心的金融合同设计 被引量:2

The Establishment of Demonstrative Obligation of the Financial Institutions——Based on the Consumer as the Center of the Financial Contract Design
摘要 金融机构说明义务的缺失和由此引起的金融消费者利益的损害是当前一个不可回避的问题,它不仅关系到金融消费者的权益,同时直接放大了金融风险,威胁到金融体系的安全。由此,以金融消费者利益保护为中心来构建金融机构说明义务规则体系就显得十分迫切。对金融消费者进行特殊保护,构建金融机构强制说明义务规制和过错推定责任归责原则是较为可行的选择。 The lack of illustrates obligations of financial institutions and the resulting damage of the financial interests of consumers is an unavoidable problem. It not only relates to the right of the financial interests of con- sumers, and at the same time directs magnifies the financial risks, and threatens the safety of the financial sys- tem. Thus, it is very urgent to construct demonstrative obligation system for financial institutions based on the protection interests of financial consumers ' as the center and. It is more feasible to have special protection of the financial consumers, to construct forced demonstrative obligation regulation for financial institutions and lia- bility imputation principle for fault presumption.
作者 黎桦
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 北大核心 2013年第1期121-126,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 湖北金融发展与金融安全研究中心2012年重点课题"合同法视野下金融消费者权益保护法律问题研究--以武汉城市圈金融创新示范区立法为考察点"的阶段性研究成果(项目编号:2012JR008)
关键词 金融消费者 金融机构 特别保护 强制说明义务 financial consumers financial institutions special protection forced demonstrative obligation
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