

Medical colleges English teaching under the view of constructivism learning theory
摘要 建构主义理论重视学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和知识意义的主动建构,进而对传统的大学英语教学模式和教学方法提出了挑战。该文分析了建构主义的学习理论、教学理论及学习环境,探讨了建构理论对大学英语教学改革的作用。 Constructivism learning theory puts much emphasis on student's initiatively exploration, search and constructiveness for knowledge, and then challenges the traditional pattern and method of college English teaching. This paper analyzes learning theory, teaching theory and learning environmentalism of constructivism. It discusses the functions of constructivism learning theory to college English teaching.
作者 李晓微
机构地区 牡丹江医学院
出处 《卫生软科学》 2013年第1期24-25,共2页 Soft Science of Health
关键词 建构理论 医学英语 大学英语教学改革 constructivism theory medical English college English teaching reform
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