
多极标测在心房颤动消融术后持续性房性心动过速中的应用体会 被引量:5

Application of multielectrode activation mapping and radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with sustained atrial tachycardia after atrial fibrillation ablation
摘要 目的报道EnSite NavX/Velocity系统的多极标测功能在心房颤动(房颤)消融术后持续性房性心动过速(房速)中的应用体会。方法18例房颤消融术后并发持续性房速患者,平均年龄(54.5±12.8)岁,男12例,女6例。心动过速均呈持续性发作,于心房进行多极标测,建立激动图;根据激动图,结合传导图、电压图,对房速机制进行判断,制定消融策略;对于折返性房速,线性消融关键峡部或传导通道(channel),对于局灶性房速,点消融局部最早心房激动区域。结果18例患者中,每例并发1~4种房速,共28种房速行多极标测,周长为(260.7±57.6)ms,平均取点(368.6±152.4)个,标测时间(11.1±3.6)min,共建立27种激动图。激动图显示局灶性或微折返性房速13种;小折返性房速1种(围绕右侧肺静脉2个损伤性“漏点”形成的折返);大折返性房速13种:围绕二尖瓣环10种,围绕肺静脉经过左心房顶壁形成单环折返2种、双环折返1种。28种房速中,25种即时消融成功,成功率89%;无标测及消融相关并发症发生。手术时间为(122.6±35.0)min,曝光时间为(16.04±5.9)min。随访(11.2±6.6)个月,18例患者中,4例复发,2例服用胺碘酮可维持窦性心律。结论应用EnSite NavX/Velocity系统的多极标测功能,易达到高密度标测效果,有助于房速机制的快速判断及消融策略的制定,可提高房颤术后持续性房速的消融成功率。 Objective To explore the application of multielectrode activation mapping by EnSite NavX/Velocity mapping system in sustained atrial tachycardia (AT) after atrial fibrillation (AF)abla-tion. Methods Eighteen patients with sustained AT after AF ablation in our hospital were retrospectively ana-lyzed. Among the 18 pts, the mean age was(54. 5±12. 8)years (male 12 pts, female 6 pts). All patients were guided by multielectrode activation mapping by NavX/Velocity mapping system. The activation sequences of AT were mapped. Radiofrequency catheter ablation was performed at the critical reentry isthmus or the focal origin by constructing three-dimensional model of atrium. Results Twenty-eight types of AT were presented in 18 pa- tients. The average cycle lengths of AT were (260. 7±57. 6)ms. The mean multielectrode mapping points were (368.6±152.4). The mean muhielectrode mapping time was (11.1±3.6) min. Twenty-seven types of activation sequences of AT were mapped, including 13 types of local or microreentrant AT, 1 type of small reentry AT around two lesion" gaps" of right pulmonary vein, and 13 types of macroreentry AT ( around mitral annulus 10, around the pulmonary vein and left atrial roof, 2, double reentry 1 ). Acute successful ablation was obtained in 25 types of AT ( 89% ). The mean procedure time was ( 122. 6±35.0 ) min, The mean exposure time was (16. 0±5.9)min. The complications related with mapping and catheter ablation were not detected. During ( 11.2±6. 6) months of follow-up, 4 cases recurred, and 2 of them could maintain sinus rhythm by taking amio-darone. Conclusions Multielectrode activation mapping using EnSite NavX/Velocity mapping system can easily and effectively achieve high density mapping of AT,which can help for the judgment of AT mechanism and the se-lection of ablation strategy, and improve the successful ablation rate in complex sustained AT after AF ablation.
出处 《中华心律失常学杂志》 2012年第6期424-430,共7页 Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
关键词 心房颤动 房性心动过速 多极标测 射频导管消融 Atrial fibrillation Atrial tachycardia Multielectrode activation mapping Radiofrequencycatheter ablation
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