
基于信息化战争的军事供应链工程建设 被引量:3

Engineering Construction of Military Supply Chain on the Basis of Informatization Warfare
摘要 现代战争更加倚重战争能,不但注重运用高新技术(包括信息化等工具手段)提高战争能在战场的使用效率,而且注重经济能向战争能的转换效率和质量效益。其中,特别注重军事采办在经济能向战争能转换过程中的桥梁作用,并通过采办与物流、技术支援以及战场服务的一体联动,实现军事供应链在未来战场的保障功能。现代战争的立体化、大纵深、非线式、高速率的形态,使战争运动呈现为一个区域内的多维空间运动,原来以阵地为基础的线式作战方式已荡然无存,后方勤务让位于战场联合勤务。战争实践说明,后勤保障在未来战争中具有特殊的地位和作用,不管武器装备如何先进,如果没有即时、足额、精确的战场保障,特别是满足即时物资和技术伴随保障需求的军事供应链,战役安排和战术行动就无法顺利展开,军队战斗力和先进武器的作用将大打折扣。信息化作为这一时代渗透至各个领域的理念和行为,在动态发展中趋于成熟运用。对后勤保障领域而言,信息化的应用是开拓资源空间、提高配置效率、有效组织前送和发挥资源效能的技术深化,解决好军事供应链与外部环境之间复杂的系统关联关系、保持供应链体系和谐与有序运行、实现最佳军事经济效益是其功能和建设的基本定位。供应链工程建设,首先要确立采办在军事供应链中的地位作用,并建立军队与市场合作的运行机制,通过强化供应链的组织职能和保障能力,论证供应链遂行保障的力量构成、任务分工、指挥体系和运行模式,把握工程建设的任务要求,形成适应未来战场需求的军事供应链。 The modern warfare is more dependent on the war energy. It is not only focus on the use of high-tech, including information technology and other tools, to increase the efficiency in the use of war energy in the battlefield, but also work on the conversion efficiency and quality from the economy energy to the war energy. In this regard, we shall pay particular attention to military acquisition which is acting as a bridge in the process of transition from economy energy to war energy. The acquisition department will be in close contact with other functionalities, e.g.: logistics, technology support and other services departments to display the supporting function of the military supply chain in future battlefield. The modern information warfare is becoming to be more and more stereoscopic with a high speed pattern which is in depth and excluding the line operation. It is driving the war movement into a multi-dimensional area. The original line-operation model, i.e. working on the front line, did not exist any more. The joint service on war is much more preferred. The recent practice showed that the logistics support is expected to play a very special role in the future war. No matter how advanced the weaponry will come to be, as long as there is no immediate, sufficient and precise support from logistics side, the tactical arrangements/operations as well as the combat effectiveness cannot be commenced smoothly. The information technology as a philosophy, which is influencing and infiltrating the various fields of this era, is maturing itself in a dynamic development. In the field of logistics support, the application of information technology is an enhanced technology to develop the resource space, improve the efficiency of allocation and to ensure an effective materials transportation and resource usage. The main focus and further development of information technology is aiming at achieving the optimal efficiency in military economy by constructively settling the complicated relationship between the military supply chain and external environment which are connected to the other in a systematic way to maintain a smooth and well-ordered operation of supply-chain system. To start with the supply chain construction, firstly we shall be clear that the logistics acquisition is playing a crucial role in the military supply chain. Secondly we shall set up an effective operating mechanism for the cooperation between market and military. At the same time, we shall put our efforts in strengthening the organizational functions of the supply chain and its supporting capabilities, and demonstrating the forces constitute, work distribution, command system and operational models in the logistics support. As a consequence, everybody will have the same clear understanding on the requirement of the supply chain construction which will be adaptable to the needs of future battlefield.
作者 祝尔坚
出处 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 CSCD 2012年第4期348-354,共7页 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING STUDIES
关键词 战争 军事供应链 工程建设 信息化 信息时代 warfare military supply chain engineering construction informatization information era
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