介绍基于Android系统,采用Phonegap+HTML5语言全新技术,并使用Jquery+CSS样式框架,进行RSS新闻阅读器研发的情况。该软件主要解析搜狐、猫扑和新浪提供的RSS Read,并实现频道订阅、新闻阅读等功能。研发目的是提供方便快捷的新闻阅读方式,为手机用户节省流量。
Based on the Android system, adopting Phonegap + HTML5 language new technology, and using the Jquery + CSS styles framework, the paper researched and developed a RSS news reader. The software mainly parsed RSS Read provided by Sohu, Mop and Sina, and realized the functions such as channel subscription and news reading. The RSS news reader can provide convenient and quick news reading, and can save flow for mobile phone users.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications