
基于环境学习曲线的吉林省COD排放及减排潜力分析 被引量:1

摘要 基于2010年吉林省COD排放量,对人均COD排放量和万元产值COD排放量的区域分布格局及其成因进行了定量分析;同时,基于2000—2010年COD排放量和经济发展数据,建立了吉林省万元产值COD排放量随人均GDP变化的环境学习曲线,并以所建立的环境学习曲线为依据,分析了2000—2010年COD排放环境负荷变化及减排潜力的空间分布。结果表明:经济发展水平越高的地区,万元产值COD排放的负荷越小,万元产值COD减排潜力越小;反之,经济发展水平越低的地区,万元产值COD排放的负荷越大,万元产值COD减排潜力越大。 Based on the COD emissions of Jilin province in 2010,the regional distribution of COD emissions per capita and COD emissions of ten thousand Yuan output value are quantitatively analyzed. Meanwhile,based on the COD emissions and data of economic development during 2000 and 2010, environmental learning curve is established which describes the correlation between COD emissions and per capita GDP. According to this curve this article analyzes the change of environmental load and the regional distribution of potential of emission reduction. The results show that regions with higher economic levels usually has lower load of COD emissions of ten thousand Yuan output value and lower potential of emission reduction;on the contrary, regions with lower economic levels usually has higher load of COD emissions of ten thousand Yuan output value and higher potential of emission reduction
作者 朱显梅 王媛
出处 《环境保护与循环经济》 2012年第12期70-72,共3页 environmental protection and circular economy
关键词 COD排放 地区差异 减排潜力 经济发展 COD emissions regional difference potential of emission reduction economic development
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