
毛泽东与走出书斋的哲学 被引量:3

Mao Zedong and The Philosophy of Walking out of Study Room
摘要 毛泽东提倡写实际的哲学,让哲学走出书斋,成为群众手里的尖锐武器。走出书斋的哲学,就是从实到虚又以虚带实、来自实践又指导实践的哲学,让广大干部群众作为想问题、办事情的世界观和方法论来掌握的哲学。一方面,对书斋之外遇到的实际问题进行理论思考,从实到虚,就事论理;另一方面,对大雅之堂一些理论问题的探讨,也走出从概念到概念的圈子,联系实际进行思考,虚实结合,把道理讲得朴实一些、实在一些。让广大干部群众感到,哲学并不神秘,而是同自己的工作、学习、生活息息相关。 Mao Zedong advocates writing practical philosophy, walks philosophy out of the study room to make it become a sharp weapon in the people' s hands. The philosophy of walking out of the study room is the one that is from reality to virtual, and the combination of both. It is the philosophy that derives from practice, and then guides practice. It is also the philosophy for the cadres and the masses to use as a world outlook as well as a methodology when thinking and doing things. On the one hand, practical philosophy should be used for the- oretical thinking about the problems encountered outside the study room, from reality to virtual by summarizing theories from the facts; on the other hand, practical philosophy should also be used for the discussions of some theoretical issues by walking out of the circle from concept to concept, and it is helpful to combine theory with practice and combine virtual with reality, so as to the cadres and the masses feel philosophy is not a make the theory simpler and more justified. They should let mystery, but is closely related to their own work, study and life.
作者 陆魁宏
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期5-10,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 毛泽东 走出书斋 虚实结合 哲学 Mao Zedong walking out of study room combination of virtual and reality philosophy
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