
从后殖民翻译看《女勇士》的文化身份构建 被引量:4

Observing Cultural Identity Construction in The Woman Warrior from the Perspective of Post-Colonial Translation
摘要 全球化语境下,文化身份一直是流散文学,尤其是华裔美国文学备受关注且热议的一个话题,但从翻译的视角审视文化身份的论著,目前尚不多见。与许多华裔美国作家一样,汤亭亭借用文化翻译以完成后殖民语境下的跨文化写作,并成功在美国主流社会立足。通过杂合,她用独特的改写与重塑,融合不完整的"中国"文化记忆与其身处的美国文化,对英语这一完整的连续的整体发出挑战,也激发读者参与到文化翻译当中。她成功地再现了异域"中国"文化,也构建了本土的美国文化。 Under the context of globalization, cultural identity has been one of the hot topics in the study of Diaspora Literature, especially in Chinese American Literature, while it is rarely discussed from the perspective of translation. Same as many other Chinese American writers, M. H. Kingston uses cultural translation to accomplish intercultural writing under the post - colonial context. By taking Kingston' s The Woman Warrior as a case study and defining her diasporic writing as cultural translation, this paper mainly focuses on discussing how and what cultural identity has been constructed from the aspect of post - colonial translation.
作者 周文革 杨琦
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期144-146,共3页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 湖南省社科基金课题(11YBA132)
关键词 流散 文化翻译 文化身份构建 汤亭亭《女勇士》 Diaspora cultural translation cultural identity construction Kingston' s The Woman Warrior
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