
生活方式指数及脂肪肝指数与银屑病的相关性研究 被引量:2

Study on correlation of life style index and fatty liver index with psoriatic patients
摘要 目的探讨银屑病患者生活方式及脂肪肝情况在银屑病发病中的作用。方法对150例银屑病患者(银屑病组)及同期80例健康体检者(对照组)进行生活方式调查及体质量指数、甘油三酯、谷氨酰转肽酶(gamma glutamyl transpeptid-ase,GGT)和腹围的测定,计算其生活方式指数及脂肪肝指数(fatty liver index,FLI)并进行分析。结果与正常健康体检者比较,银屑病患者生活方式指数及FLI明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);生活方式指数(P=0.009)及FLI(P=0.000)与银屑病发病独立相关,其回归系数分别为0.53及0.03。结论不良生活方式及脂肪肝可能是银屑病发病的危险因素。 Objective To evaluate the influence of life style index and fatty liver index(FLI) of psoriatic patients on the development of this skin disease. Methods Totally 150 cases of psoriatic patients and 80 healthy volunteers ( control group) were included in this research. Life style of the population was investigated. Further, the level of body mass index (BMI) , triglyceride, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase and abdominal circumference were evaluated. Finally,life style index and fatty liver index were calculated and analyzed. Results Compared with control group,life style index and fatty liver index of psoriatic patients elevated significantly( P〈0. 05 ). Besides, life style index ( P = O. 009 ) and fatty liver index ( P = 0. 000 ) were associated with the development of psoriasis independently. The regression coefficient were 0. 53 and O. 03 individually. Conclusions Inappropriate life style and fatty liver may be risk factors for the development of psoriasis.
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2013年第1期68-70,共3页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 银屑病 脂肪肝 生活方式 体质量指数 Psoriasis Fatty liver Life style Body mass index
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