
兼容DNS的一体化网络资源解析系统 被引量:7

A DNS Compatible Resource Resolving System in Universal Network
摘要 文中在理解域名解析系统结构的基础上,针对DNS系统面向主机解析存在的缺陷,将一体化网络中面向资源的解析机制引入DNS系统,提出了兼容DNS的资源解析系统。该系统在原有DNS的查询类型的基础上添加了新的查询类型方式RSID,并采用面向资源的解析方式,利用层次性分布式结构实现了一体化网络资源解析系统与现有DNS系统的过渡。新系统利用服务标识面向资源解析的优势,克服了目前域名解析系统面向地理位置解析的问题,并且使用分层的分布式系统,在一定程度上提高了原有一体化网络的资源查询效率。 Aiming at the defects existed in domain name system faced to server resolving ,based on understanding of domain name resol- ving system strocture, combine the recourse resolving strategy defined in the universal network with the DNS, and design a DNS compati- ble resolving system. In this system, add a new query type named RSID into the original DNS, and utilize the resource oriented resolving method. A hieratic'H and distributed architecture is designed to smoothly transform fl^e cwrcnt domain name system to resource resolving system in universal network. This new system takes advantage of the service identifier in resolving resource,and meanwhile it overcomes the problem of relying on server's physical address in the current DNS. What's more,this system uses the layered distributed architecture, therefore the resource query efficiency in the original universal network is improved.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第1期1-4,8,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61100219 60903150) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2012JBM010)
关键词 域名解析 一体化网络 分布式 DNS : universal network: DHT
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