对经实验前后的普通级和清洁级 K M,BAL B/ c,C5 7BL 小鼠 ,分别用 IFA、ELISA、PAP和 ABC法方法检测小鼠血清中的 L CMV、EHFV、MPV、MHV,仙台病毒抗体和抗原 ;电镜检查组织中的病毒颗粒。结果显示 :未经实验及经实验 1 5 d和 30 d后的各品系小鼠血清病毒抗体均为阴性 ;经实验 6 0 d后检测普通级 KM和 BAL B/ c小鼠鼠痘病毒抗体 ,阳性比例分别为 5 / 30和 6 / 30。病毒抗体检测血清抗体阴性 ,经实验后的普通级与清洁级 KM,BAL B/ c小鼠小肠粘膜上皮细胞胞浆内、肝细胞及枯胚氏细胞胞浆内、脾脏的巨噬细胞胞浆内和树突细胞胞浆内、肠系膜淋巴结 ,小肠粘膜下集合淋巴结的网状细胞 ,巨噬细胞经 PAP,ABC染色为阳性 ;电镜发现病毒颗粒 ,胞浆内出现内质网扩展、线粒体嵴肿胀、胞浆内空泡增多。
The conventional and clean KM, BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice were detected for LCM( lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus), EHFV( epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus),Mouse pox, MPV( mouse hepatitis virus), Sendai virus infetion by using IFA, ELISA, ABC( avidin biotin peroxidse complex), and electron microscope before and 15,30, 60 days after undergoing animal experiments . The results revealed that 60 days after the animal experiments, ectromelia virus was found in the liver , mesenteric lymphaden, Payer's patches, and spleen of seronegative(ELISA,IFA ) KM and BALB/c mice ,while in the other groups no ectromelia virus infection were found . The findings suggest that the mice with latent infection of ectromelia virus,despite of sero negative ,would give rise to an outbreak when they were under a long stress of animal experiment, and the viral antigen detection of Mousepox should be used in routine microbiological monitoring.
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Science