茭白锹额夜蛾是舟山市 (区 ) 1997年初次查见的主害茭白新害虫。它以幼虫主害茭白 ,为害状似螟害的枯鞘、枯心 ,一般受害田的株受害率达 30 %~ 4 0 % ,重发田在 6 0 %~ 70 % ,甚至绝收。为解决生产急需的预测预报、最佳施药适期和筛选高效防治农药等问题 ,作者进行了 2年试验研究 ,从而得出了灯光诱蛾预测及在田间以 2龄幼虫为主期 (即初见茭白心叶青卷为害状时 ) ,每公顷用杀螟松 2 .2 5kg、三唑磷 2 .2 5kg、久效磷 1.2 kg,各掺水 2 2 50 kg喷雨防治 ,可分别达 90 .3% ,88.1% ,92 .5%的效果 ,其防治区比对照区增产 95%以上。
Archanara sp.was discovered for the first time as a pest of wildrice in Dinghai in 1997.Its larvae mainly damaged wildrice plants,resulting in similar plant injuries caused by borers,i.e.dead hearts and dead sheathes of the plants.Usually 30%~40% of the plants were damaged.In the fields where the insect occurrences were serious,as much as 60%~70% of the plants were destroyed and sometimes even no harvest at all.A two\|year study was conducted for the control of the insect.The study suggested that the light trapping could be used for the forecast of the insect.The best control results were obtained by spraying 2\^25kg fenitrothion, 2 25kg triazophos and 1 2kg monocrotophos diluted 2250kg water/hm\+2 repectively, at the time when the infected plants'heart leaves began to roll (a period that most of the larvae in the field were in the second stage) with control effects of 90 3%,88 1% and 92 5% respectively Compared with the check plots,the yields of the controlled plots were increased by over 95%.
Entomological Knowledge