

The properties of generalized Kato-Fredholm operator matrices
摘要 定义了广义Kato-Fredholm算子及其谱集,研究了在Hilbert空间上,当A∈B(H),B∈B(H)且C∈B(K,H)时,算子矩阵MC=(A C O B)是广义Kato-Fredholm算子的条件及其重要性质. This paper provides the definition of generalized Kato-Fredholm operator as well as the corresponding spectrum,then the conditions that upper triangular operator matrices is the generalized Kato-Fredholm operator are studied,where A∈B(H),B∈B(H) and C∈B(K,H) in the Hilbert space.
出处 《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第1期17-20,共4页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(GK200901015) 天水师范学院中青年教师科研基金资助项目(TS0926)
关键词 Kato算子 FREDHOLM算子 算子矩阵 HILBERT空间 spectrum Kato operator Fredholm operator operator matrice Hilbert space
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