

Ancient Trees and Precious Flowers in Shennongjia
摘要 神农架生物圈保护区丰富的生物多样性引人瞩目,在世界同纬度地区尤以植物多样性而著称于世。据统计,神农架保护区内有高等植物3100多种,在这众多的植物种类中,具有珍稀、古老植物以及极具观赏价值的种类就达1000多种。它们中,既有千年古树,记载着岁月的沧桑,又有五彩缤纷的花卉植物,将神农架装扮得更加清秀、更加美丽。在历史的长河中,它们是不畏环境险恶,顽强生长的佼佼者。 The biodiversity in the Shennongjia Biosphere Reserve has aroused the attention of the entire world. Statistics show that there are more than 3,100 species of senior grade plants and over 1,000 rare and ancient plants.The 'king of fir,' 48 meters tall and 2.45 meters wide in diameter, is now more than 1,100 years old and covers an area of 450 square meters. At 2,800 meters above sea level on Shennong Peak, there is an ancient Creeping Juniper. It is only 80 centimeters high, but covers an area of 30 square meters. Henry Emmenopterys is a rare plant that exists only in China. The tallest one is 38 meters high and 2.43 meters wide in diameter. More than 500 years old, it is thought to be the oldest and the largest wild Henry Emmenopterys tree in the world. Dove trees are also an ancient and rare plant, listed among the key state grade-A protected plants. Since they only grow in China, they are also called Chinese dove trees.There are flowers in Shennongjia all year round. In spring, there is the yulan magnolia; in summer and autumn, there is the wild chrysanthemum; and in winter, there is the plum. There are also 15 types of azaleas and nearly 40 types of orchids.Shennongjia, where 1,888 species of herbs have been found, is also called the 'kingdom of herbal medicine.'A treasure house of plants, Shennongjia should be better protected so that greater contributions can be made to the progression of mankind.
出处 《人与生物圈》 2000年第2期15-18,共4页 Man and the Biosphere
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