
期刊条形码误用类型统计以及纠错对策 被引量:2

The statistical analysis of the types of the misused periodical barcodes and their error correction measures
摘要 目的研究期刊条形码使用现状,指出期刊条形码使用乱象,提出纠正对策。方法以宝鸡文理学院图书馆馆藏期刊为主要统计研究对象,进行统计分析。结果统计了1 143种期刊,其中未使用条形码的期刊有39种,在使用条形码的1 104种期刊中,用年份码表示期刊出版年的期刊有146种,充其量仅有13.2%,即约87%的期刊条形码使用有误。一套条形码多年重复误用最为严重,有1999年的条形码至今仍然在重复误用!还有ISSN号与条形码不一致、误用前缀码、缺少校验码、附加码含义不清等误用类型,提出了尽快扭转期刊条形码使用混乱局面的几项对策,包括利用CorelDRAW 9或者更高级的版本制作条形码等。结论普及期刊条形码结构常识,提高对于规范使用期刊条形码认识的自觉性,加强期刊条形码规范使用的检查力度,督促期刊编辑部尽快纠正期刊条形码使用过程中的种种乱象很有必要。 Abstract. Aim To investigate the status of periodical barcodes in China mainland, to point out that the types of the misused periodical barcodes, and to put forward error correction measures. Meth- ods The investigation objects are the collection periodicals by Baoji University of Arts and Sciences Library, and they are analyzed with statistical method. Results 1 143 periodicals are analyzed to show that the periodicals with EAN-13 barcode and those without barcode are 1 104 and 39, respec- tively, but only 146 periodicals use the year code to indicate the year of publication, it is less than 13. 2%. The misused types include. 1) a set of the barcodes was repeatedly misused for many years, for example, the barcodes for 1999 have been used so far! 2) ISSN number is inconsistent with the bar- code; 3) prefix code is misused; 4) the control number (check code) lacks; 5) the representation of extra-codes is unclear; and 6) other types of the misused periodical barcodes. Several measures are proposed to reverse misuses of the barcodes as soon as possible, including CorelDRAW 9 or other ad- vanced version is used to create a barcode graphic and so on. Conclusion It is be necessary to introduce the common sense of periodical barcode structure, improve the consciousness of proper use of periodical bar- codes, strengthen the supervision of the proper use of periodical barcodes, urge the editorial department of pe- riodicals to correct all kinds of chaos in the use periodical barcodes as soon as possible.
作者 杨晓亮
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第4期73-79,共7页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 期刊条形码 误用类型 纠错对策 periodicals bar code misuse types error correction measures
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  • 7GB/T16827-1997中国标准刊号(ISSN部分)条码[S]
  • 8GB/T 16827-1997.中国标准刊号(ISSN部分)条码
  • 9GB 12904-91.通用商品条码
  • 10GB 9999-88.中国标准刊号











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