于 1990年 5月~ 1994年 12月对中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站灰尘自然沉降量 (以下简称自然降尘量 )进行了监测及研究 ,结果表明 :锡林河流域自然降尘量在观测期内呈现逐年上升的趋势 ,同时具有季节规律性。 1994年降尘总量为 35 .198t· km- 2· m onth- 1 ,分别比 1991、1992、1993年增加了 2 70 %、92 %、10 6 % ,每年第二季度的降尘总量约占全年降尘量的 30 %~ 39%。通过对该流域包括自然降尘量在内的 16种自然现象进行主成分分析发现 。
As part of monthly, year-round program to measure dust deposition in the Xilin River basin we analyzed the seasonal and annual characteristics of dust depositi on and the relationship between dust deposition and 15 weather phenomen a between 1990 and 1994. Dust deposition showed a strongly increasing trend duri ng the study period. Total deposition in 1994 was 35.198 t·km -2 , which is 270%, 92% and 106% higher than 1991, 1992 and 1993 respectively. April to Ju ne is the period of highest dust deposition and this is due to the high winds in this period but also the absence of snow (just melted) and vegetation (typical ly not fully developed). Dust deposition in this period represents 30%-39% of t he annual total.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
中国科学院草原生态系统定位研究站开放站基金!( 980 5 )