
社区精神康复与社会工作介入——对杭州朝晖工疗站的个案调查 被引量:5

Community Mental Rehabilitation and Intervention of Social Work——A Case Investigation of Hangzhou Zhaohui Work-rehabilitation Center
摘要 工疗站是社区精神康复的一种模式,是一个集精神疾病咨询、康复性治疗和培养精神疾病人员参与社区活动能力为一体的机构。这个机构既是政府提供公共精神卫生服务的载体,更重要的是"扎根"于社区的新型社区照顾的机构,是精神疾病人员在医院接受专门康复治疗后返回家庭并进一步融入社会的"中转站"。课题组选取杭州的工疗站作为研究的对象,对其组织管理、工作方法、人际互动进行调研,旨在通过基层经验的展现,推动社会工作在"社区康复"过程中的介入。 Work-rehabilitation center is a model of community mental rehabilitation, and it is an integrated institution including mental illness consulting, restorative treating, training mental patients'ability to partici-pate in community activities. This institution is not only a carrier of the government to provide public mental health services, but also an institution rooted in new community to look after mental patients, and a hub for the mental patients to integration into the society when they go back home after specialized rehabilitation in hospitals. The issue group selects the work-rehabilitation centers in Hangzhou as the object of study, and studies its organization and management, working methods and social interaction, aim to promote the inter-vention of social work in the process of community rehabilitation through the performance of grass-roots expe-rience.
作者 杨可欣
机构地区 浙江工商大学
出处 《北京城市学院学报》 2012年第6期43-48,共6页 Journal of Beijing City University
基金 2011级新苗人才创新课题项目(课题号:1150XJ1711324)的校级课题论文。本课题指导老师是严霄云博士
关键词 精神性疾病 社区康复 工疗站 社会工作 mental illness, community rehabilitation, work-rehabilitation center, social work
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