
多光束傅里叶望远镜的移频设计 被引量:2

Design of Laser Frequency Shift of Multiple-Beam Fourier Telescope
摘要 多光束傅里叶望远镜(MFT)对运动的深空暗目标快速成像有着独特的优势,但光学、电学、机械、软件等未突破的关键技术制约着其发展。根据傅里叶望远镜的成像原理和戈洛姆法则(Golomb ruler),分析选取了多光束成像下每束光的移频量,并设计了符合系统要求的声光移频器。结果表明,采用Golomb ruler时,31束光系统下的最大相对移频量为7.47MHz,设计的声光移频器通光孔径为8mm,全频带下最低衍射效率为0.9021,各指标都能满足系统需求。因此,多光束傅里叶望远镜的移频技术可行。 Multiple-beam Fourier telescope (MFT) has a unique advantage for high-speed imaging of moving object which is small and dim in deep space, but the key technology on optics, electricity, machinery and software limite the development of MFT. The frequency shift of every laser is anslysed according to the principle of MFT and Golomb ruler, and a suitable acousto-optical device has been designed. As a result, with the help of Golomb ruler, the maximum of relative frequency shift is 7.47 MHz, under 31 lasers, the aperture of device is 8 mm, and the minimum of diffraction efficiency is 0. 9021, the requirement of MTF can be satisfied with all these index. Therefore, the frequency shift technology of MTF is possible.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期110-116,共7页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目资助课题
关键词 成像系统 傅里叶望远镜 Golomb RULER 声光移频器 imaging systems Fourier telescope Golomb ruler acousto-optical device
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