4Helaine Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles, Culture Heritage and Human Rights, in Helaine Silverman and Fairchild Ruggles ed. ,Culture Heritage and Human Riguts, New York: Sping Business Media, LLC, p. 6.
5William S. Logan, Closing Pandor's Box: Human Rights Conundruns in Cultural Heritage Protection,supra note He- laine Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles ed. , p. 37.
6William S. Logan, Closing Pandor's Box: Human Rights Conundruns in Cultural Heritage Protection,supra note He- laine Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles ed. , p. 44.
7http ://baike. baidu, corn/view/31884, htm.
8Alison Dundes Renteln, Reflections on the Theory of Cultural Rights, Vol. 100,2006, American Society of International Law: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, p. 324.
9Elazar Barkan, Gens and Burkas : Predicaments of Human Rights and Cuhural Property, supra note Helaine Silver- man and D. Fairchild Ruggles ed. , p. 188.
10William S. Logan, Closing Pandor's Box: Human Rights Conundruns in Cultural Heritage Protection,supra note He- laine Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles ed. , p. 39.