
玉米膨化产品质量与系统参数关系研究 被引量:3

Correlation of Corn Extrudate Properties and Extrusion System Parameters
摘要 以玉米珍子为材料,采用DSE-25型双螺杆挤压膨化实验室工作站加工挤压膨化食品,对径向膨化率、产品水分、水溶性指数、质构等产品质量指标和扭矩、压力等设备系统参数进行相关分析,研究各个指标间的相关关系,筛选出玉米挤压膨化食品的主要评价指标。研究结果表明,径向膨化率、产品水分与a*、b*、4区压力、4区和5区压差P4-5呈极显著正相关,与水溶性指数、L*呈极显著负相关。产品水分与产品最大应力、破碎能量呈极显著正相关。径向膨化率、产品水分可以作为玉米挤压膨化食品的主要评价指标。 Corn flour was extruded in Brabender Lab-station of DSE-25 Twin-Screw Extruder. The main quality indices of extrudate were obtained by simple correlation analysis of their properties, including radical expansion rate, product moisture content, water-solubility, and texture etc, and the extrusion system parameters, including torque and pressure. The results showed that the radical expansion rate and product moisture were significantly related to a*, b*, the 4th zone pressure, and the difference of pressure between the th4 and the 5th zone, significantly and negatively related to L* and water-solubility. The product moisture content was significantly related to 1st Fracture Load Drop Off and 1st Fracture Work Done. The radical expansion rate and product moisture content could be used as the important evaluation parameters for the corn extrudate qualities.
出处 《食品工业》 北大核心 2013年第1期138-140,共3页 The Food Industry
关键词 玉米 膨化 产品质量 系统参数 corn extrusion extrudate quality system parameters
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