
空间外部性、比较优势与制造业集聚——基于中国地级市面板数据的实证分析 被引量:27

Spatial Externalities,Comparative Advantage and Manufacturing Agglomeration
摘要 本文综合传统比较优势和外部性因素,在新经济地理框架下建立了理论和计量模型,研究了我国284个地级市制造业集聚的影响机制及地区差异,结果表明,传统比较优势仍是影响制造业区位的重要因素;城市之间存在明显的要素供给与市场需求的空间关联性,且已超过传统比较优势成为制造业集聚的主要来源;传统比较优势与空间外部性对制造业集聚的作用分别由西到东和由东到西依次递减。研究结论为进一步促进区域间产业转移和协调发展提出了重要启示。 This paper builds theoretical model based on the integrated framework of traditional comparative advantage, externalities and new economic geography, and makes a study on the mechanism of manufacturing agglomeration and their regional differences across 284 cities. The results show that, traditional com- parative advantage is still an important factor which affects manufacturing loca- tion. There exists significant spatial correlation between factor supply and market demand among cities, which has become the major source of manufacturing agglomeration. The impact of traditional comparative advantage and spatial externalities on manufacturing agglomeration have a descending order from west to east and from east to west respectively. The results provide important revelations to promote the inter-regional industrial transfer and coordinated economic development.
作者 韩峰 柯善咨
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期22-38,116,共18页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
关键词 制造业集聚 空间外部性 市场潜力 比较优势 Manufacturing Agglomeration Spatial Externalities Market Potential Comparative Advantage
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