
以知识服务推动图书情报工作的创新发展——《图书情报工作》2012年发文评述 被引量:20

The Strategies and Practices of Research Library to Support Open Access --Taking National Science Library as an Example
摘要 从国家科学图书馆(简称“国科图”)作为中国科学院Chief OA Officer和科技信息开放获取的关键推动者的角度,运用多维结构法提出了国科图开放获取战略框架,介绍国科图开放获取实践,包括协助中国科学院建立开放获取战略、组织开放获取研究和知识传播、建设中国科学院机构知识库网络、支持中国科学院作者发表开放论文等。 This paper describes the open access (OA) strategies and practices of National Science Library (NSL), as the Chief OA Officer of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Key Promoter of China scientific and technical information OA . A multi-dimension OA strategy framework of NSL is developed. Major OA practices by NSL are described, including CAS OA strategy development, OA research and promotion, CAS IR system, and support for OA publishing by CAS authors.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期15-19,48,共6页 Library and Information Service
关键词 开放获取 战略 政策 开放知识库 开放出版 open access strategy policy open repository open publishing
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