
中国旅游发展:新世纪以来的探索与未来展望 被引量:3

China's Tourism Development: Situation Analysis and Future Perspectives
摘要 本文对进入新世纪以来中国旅游发展的基本特点进行了梳理,对其发展过程中存在的一些突出问题和倾向进行了深入的辨析,提出了一些新的理念与发展思路,并依据科学发展观和十八大的精神,就"美丽中国"、"小康社会"和"中国特色"三个方面展望了中国旅游的未来发展。 The prolonged global financial crisis triggered by the United States in 2008 slowed down the pace of tourism development in the entire world until 2011 when some sign of recovery emerged. As a member of emerging economies, China's growth remains strong, though being difficult to escape the impacts from the outside world. The turn of the first two decades in the new century is also the joint point between the 11 the and 12th 5-year Plans for social and economic development in China, when major strategies and policies are worked out. As a result, in the field of tourism development in the country during this period, responding to the possible change, policy readjustment, planning and preparation remain the main features of the time. However, the Communist Party's 18th Congress held recently has made clear the orientation and goal of the country's future development, which for sure may have great impacts on the tourism policy and strategy for the years to come. From 2009 up to 2012, China's tourism development bears five outstanding characteristics, namely, a) China's tourism enters the regular development stage with development of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, and the main pattern with high growth of domestic and outbound tourism and low growth of inbound tourism has taken shape; b) Both the central and the local governments pay a unprecedented attention to tourism develop- ment, plans and strategies are made for the next five years or more; c) Tourism industry develops vigorously and the significance of industrial integration is well recognized; d) the new IT-related technology drives tourism development, and on-line business shows great potential; and e) China's tourism development attracts world-wide attention, and the focus turns from China tourism to Chinese tourists. Through China's tourism development in the past few years, there are some eight problems or tendencies should be well studied or deal with, namely, 1 ) expanding deficit in international tourism balance should be noted, and more and effective measures should be taken to more inbound visitors; 2) the actual effects of the "Golden Week" policy should be well examined, and more efforts should be made to put the paid holiday into practice; 3 ) under the umbrella of tourism as part of public welfare, both demand of the masses and that of special groups should be well considered; 4) while more duty-free businesses are to added to absorb the luxurious spending by the residents at home, more efforts should be made to make China-made products and Chinese own brands more popu- lar among the Chinese consumers; 5 ) to make the public expenses on receptions and overseas travels more open, fair, transparent, controllable and efficient, part of travel-related services should be socialized; 6)with the increas- ing size of tourist industry, global expansion of Chinese tourist enterprises should be speeded up, particularly fol- lowing the expanding army of Chinese outbound tourists ; 7) tourism development may be boosted, but abuse to the name of tourism development must be avoided; and 8 ) genuine sustainable tourism development should be kept, and the initiatives of the NGOs should be encouraged in practice. For the future tourism development, "beautiful China" realized by meticulous care of the environment by the whole serves as the general basis, and the goal can only be society, and honesty is called to build up the country tourism. For the world, "2010-2020: decade of travel and tourism" according the UNWTO's chief, and for China, the next decade will be golden decade for its social and economic development, and tourism will be more mature, making more contributions to the country's growth in the years to come.
作者 张广瑞
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期110-120,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 中国旅游 旅游发展 旅游政策 China's tourism tourism development tourism policy
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