
成本、禀赋与中国制造业对外直接投资——基于扩展KK模型的分析 被引量:6

Cost,Endowment and Outward FDI from Chinese Manufacturing:A Study based on an Extended KK Model
摘要 本文通过区分6种企业结构类型,扩展了KK模型的一般均衡框架并进行了数值模拟。研究发现,给定中等贸易成本和相对企业总部成本,在不同的要素禀赋情形中模拟各种类型企业的活动,可以很好地解释中国制造业的对外直接投资动因:中国制造业企业向更落后的发展中国家的投资主要依据技术优势,向经济发展水平相近的新兴经济体的投资主要为了节约贸易成本,向发达国家的投资主要基于中国低劳动成本优势。 This paper extends the classical KK model by discriminating six types of firm structures.Results of numerical simulation show that different structures of potential firm or MNE will emerge in domestic country with different factor endowments in equilibrium,and the results are given medium trade costs and medium relative firm-level cost.It is implied that investment of Chinese manufacturing firms into more underdeveloped countries is based on their technology advantages,and in similar emerging economies is to reduce trade costs,while that into developed countries depends on national advantages of low-cost labor.
作者 王建 栾大鹏
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期60-66,89,共7页 World Economy Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(项目批准号:10CGJ018)阶段性成果
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