
加勒比民族寓言的性别寓意——评《安妮·约翰》及《我母亲的自传》 被引量:5

The Paternal and Maternal Senses of the Caribbean National Allegories——A Study of Annie John and The Autobiography of My Mother
摘要 牙买加·金凯德在其两部代表作《安妮·约翰》及《我母亲的自传》中,把民族与家庭事务、性别等联系起来,使得有关个体人物经历的叙事演变为曾遭受过殖民奴役的加勒比弱小民族的寓言,并上升为民族叙事。金凯德笔下的民族寓言具有"父性"和"母性"的寓意。作家通过"乡土母亲"、"母国"、"乡土父亲"、"父国"等再现错综复杂的后殖民状况,揭示加勒比民族认同建构所涉及的性别权力问题,表达对基于男性认同的性别化民族主义的质疑。 Jamaica Kincaid associates nation with family matters and gender in her representative works, Annie John and The Autobiography of My Mother. Kincaid' s narratives of individual experiences serve as national allegories of the Caribbean islands that have been subjugated by colonial powers, and therefore, are elevated to national narratives. Kincaid represents post-colonial conditions of the Caribbean society through gendered allegories of "motherland", "mother country", "father- land", and "father country" as well. She unveils the gender power that involves in the construction of national identity and challenges a gendered nationalism based on male identity.
作者 芮小河
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期90-93,103,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 陕西省教育厅科研项目"性别与国族:加勒比女作家牙买加.金凯德作品研究"(项目编号:12JK0259) 西安外国语大学科研项目(项目编号:10XWB11)的成果
关键词 性别 民族 认同 民族寓言 gender nation identity national allegory
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