目的分析我院静脉用药调配中心退药的原因,探讨减少退药的方法。方法对我院静脉用药调配中心退药单进行统计、分析。结果 2011年10月至2011年12月我院静脉用药调配中心共收到输液处方176 587份,其中退药13 484份,占输液处方总量的7.64%。退药原因主要有患者病情变化,出院,更改医嘱,医嘱停用,患者转科、转院、死亡等。结论提高医务人员的专业技能,增强责任心,重视医患沟通,可减少退药的发生。
Objective To Analyze the reasons of medicine-withdraw in our PIVAS and looking for the methods to reducing the number.Methods Statistical analysis was performed.Results A total of 176 587 intravenous injection prescriptions has been received in PIVAS from October 2011 to December 2011,including 13 484 medicine-withdraw prescriptions which accounted for 7.64% of total number.The causes for medicine-withdraw included the progressing of disease,patients discharging from hospital,doctors′ orders changing,medical orders discontinuing,patients transferring to other department or hospital or death etc.Conclusion Improving medical personnel′s professional knowledge and skills,enhancing their sense of responsibility and paying more attention to physician-patient communication may reduce the occurance of medicine-withdraw.
Northwest Pharmaceutical Journal