
琥珀酰基月桂酰壳聚糖的制备及性能 被引量:3

Preparation and Properties of Lauroyl-succinyl Chitosan
摘要 以丁二酸酐和壳聚糖(CS)为原料合成亲水性琥珀酰基壳聚糖(SCS),然后与月桂酰氯通过酰化反应制备了两亲性的琥珀酰基月桂酰壳聚糖(LSCS)。采用FTIR和1HNMR对壳聚糖衍生物进行了结构表征。LSCS的琥珀酰基的取代度为41.27%,月桂酰基的取代度为6.32%。改性后的壳聚糖在pH<3.0和pH>6.5时溶解度较好,在等电点及附近的pH范围内溶解度降低。LSCS具有较强的分子间相互作用,随其质量分数增加溶液黏度显著增加,且在质量分数达到2%时可形成物理凝胶。该物理凝胶对NaCl浓度较敏感,随着NaCl浓度的增加,凝胶强度减小。 A new type of amphiphilic chitosan was synthesized by the attachment of succinyl group and lauroyl group to the CS backbone. The modification was confirmed by FTIR and 1HNMR. The degree of succinyl substitution was 41.27%, and the degree of lauroyl substitution was 6.32%. Lauroyl-succinyl chitosan(LSCS) could dissolve at pH 〈 3.0 and pH 〉 6.5, and its solubility decreased within the pH range at isoeleetric point and its vicinity. The LSCS with long alkyl chain could aggregate in water solution through inter-molecular interaction, so the viscosity of the solution increased significantly with the increasing of concentration, and as its mass fraction was up to 2%, it presented gel-like behavior. The gel was sensitive to NaCl. As the concentration of NaCl increased,the strength of gel decreased.
作者 张艳飞 杨成
出处 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期75-79,共5页 Fine Chemicals
关键词 壳聚糖 改性 溶解度 流变性质 医药与日化原料 chitosan modification solubility rheologieal properties drug and cosmetic materials
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