苹果金纹细蛾(Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats.)在鲁中南地区1年发生5~6代,以蛹在苹果落叶内越冬,翌年3月下旬田间开始出现越冬代成虫,4月上旬达盛期。成虫羽化后于次日清晨5:00~6:00开始交配,持续交配1.5~3h,交配后不久在叶片背面产卵,单个散产,平均单雌产卵40余粒。幼虫孵化后直接蛀入叶片内取食叶肉,并在虫苞内化蛹。在15~30℃,卵、幼虫、蛹的发育历期分别为11.4~5.3d、20~16d、9~5d,完成1代需要28~45d。试验的7种杀虫剂中,灭幼脲三号能抑制金纹细蛾繁殖和生长发育,田间防治效果好、持效期长,施药适期为第1代成虫发生盛期。
There are 5-6 generations a year of Asiatic apple leafminer, Lithocolletis ringoniella Matsumura in central and southern Shandong Province, it overwinters with pupae in fallen leaves, the adult of overwintering generation appears in the field since late March and the peak occurrence is in early April. 5 - 6 o clock in the next morning after emergence, the adults begin to copulate, each copulation last 1.5-3 hours, and lay 40 or more eggs per female singly on the lower surfaces of apple leaves. The hatched larvae bore into the leaves and form peculiar cavities, and the mature larvae pupate there. Under 15.0 - 30.0℃, the developmental duration of egg, larva and pupa are 11.4-5.3 , 20-16 ,9-5 days respectively, and the duration for a whole generation is 28 - 45 days.
The results of insecticidal tests showed that the dichlorbenzuron can inhibit its reproduction and development and attain good and persistent control effects in field treatments. The optimum application time of this insecticide is at the occurrence peak of first generation adult.
Journal of Plant Protection