
利用预测器降低令牌协议的通信量 被引量:1

Reducing the traffic of token protocol with predictors
摘要 令牌协议采用广播方式发送一致性消息,导致网络通信量大,限制了协议的扩展能力。提出预测的方法有效地消除令牌协议中的无用消息,从而降低了通信量。根据应用程序的读写失效比例提出3种预测策略。实验结果显示,采用512项的Owner预测器平均降低3.8%的连接通信量,Sharer预测器和Hybrid预测器分别平均降低了11%和7%的连接通信量。预测方法可以有效地降低令牌协议的通信量,提升令牌协议的扩展能力。 Coherence messages in token protocol are always broadcast, which creates heavy network traffic and limits its scalability. An efficient predictor technique was used to eliminate the useless message in token protocol, which employs a predictor to predict the data' s sharers and only sends coherence messages to the sharers to avoid broadcasting. Three predictor policies depending on the write miss and read miss ratio of application were proposed. The results show that: the owner predictor with 512 entries can reduce interconnect traffic by 3.8% on average, the sharer predictor and the hybrid reduce interconnect traffic by the average of 11% and 7% respectively. The method proposed efficiently reduces the traffic and improves the scalability of token protocol.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期14-19,共6页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61170083 60873016 61103011) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20114307110001 20094307120007) 国家"核高基"重大专项资助项目(2011ZX01028-001-001 2009ZX01028-002-002)
关键词 令牌协议 一致性协议 预测器 通信量 广播 token protocol coherence message predictor traffic broadcasting
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