
复杂外形高超声速飞行器气动热快速工程估算 被引量:12

The rapid engineering aero-heating calculation method for complex shaped hypersonic vehicles
摘要 针对复杂外形高超声速飞行器方案设计阶段的气动热计算效率问题,建立了高超声速飞行器气动热的快速工程计算方法。采用修正牛顿理论确定飞行器表面压力分布,利用牛顿最速下降理论计算飞行器表面流线分布,采用参考焓法、高温空气热力学特性的拟合公式以及热流密度的工程计算公式求出飞行器表面目标点的热流密度,计算了钝锥、升力体以及类乘波体的表面热流分布。仿真分析表明:该方法适用于复杂外形,且具有较高的计算效率和精度,能够满足复杂高超声速飞行器设计方案阶段气动热估算需求。 Aimed for the question of computational efficiency during conceptual design stage, a rapid engineering aero-heating calculation method for complex shaped hypersonic vehicles is established. Firstly the pressure distribution along vehicle' s surface was calculated by modified Newtonian theory. Secondly, the streamline that passes through the target point was calculated with Newtonian steepest decent concept. Then by using the fitted function of high temperature gas parameters, reference enthalpy method and engineering calculation function of aero-heating, the heat current of target point was presented. Finally, the heat flux on the surfaces of blunted cone, lifting body and wave-rider vehicle was calculated The analysis result shows the method used in this paper is fit for complex figure, and can satisfy the aero-heating calculation during conceptual design stage in both efficiency and precision.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期89-93,共5页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家部委资助项目
关键词 气动热快速工程计算 牛顿最速下降理论 参考焓法 复杂外形 rapid engineering aero-heating calculation Newtonian steepest decent concept reference enthalpy method complex figure
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