
信息化助推区域均衡发展 通信业直面新机遇

Communications industry faced up with new opportunity
摘要 工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化,党中央对于全面建成小康社会的部署代表了社会经济发展的新要求,也指明了工业和信息化领域肩负的历史使命。 Recently the Ninth National Information Expert Forum was convened, at which many well-known experts pointed out the promising aspects of information technology in the implementation of the overall strategy of regional development, and in the promotion of coordinated regional development. Especially in the less developed regions, propulsion and development of information technology have not only improved the lives of the people, but also made great contributions to promote local economic and social development. Experts said that the rise of China's central and western regions meant significantly for completing the goal of establishing a well-off society in full aspects by 2020, and information technology, information application and the development of industry would play an important role in central and western regions. However, the ranks of several development indicators of China's information technology in the international rankings is declining with the digital divide widened. Experts point out that, to change the status quo of the central and west regions at its root, and to narrow down regional digital divide, government and enterprises need to work hard together to accelerate the launch and implementation of information technology and rapidly push the construction of the Internet infrastructure and content resources, especially the construction of broadband networks.
作者 刘珊 依然
出处 《世界电信》 2012年第12期34-39,8,共6页 World Telecommunications








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