
基于卡箍优化布局的飞机液压管路减振分析 被引量:47

Vibration control analysis for hydraulic pipelines in an aircraft based on optimized clamp layout
摘要 飞机液压管路振动过大是一个亟待解决的问题,考虑了主动消振方式较为复杂,难以在飞机液压系统实现,提出了基于系统特征阻抗,通过优化卡箍布局的被动消振方式。首先建立系统管道及各元件数学模型,利用传递矩阵法(Transfer Matrix Method,TMM)得到其频域特征阻抗变化规律。以激振源固有频率点的特征阻抗加权和为目标函数,利用粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)在一定范围内调整卡箍位置,使在激振源频率点的特征阻抗加权和降到最低。通过优化卡箍位置,系统特征阻抗加权和较优化前衰减28.13%,验证了其有效性,为飞机液压管路的优化布局提供了一定的理论依据。 The excessive vibration of hydraulic pipelines in an aircraft is a problem to be solved. The active vibration control is a complicated method and difficult to implement in an aircraft hydraulic system. Here, a new method of passive vibration control optimizing the clamp layout of a pipeline based on system characteristic impedance was presented. Firstly, the mechanical models of a pipeline and its components were established, and based on transfer matrix method (TMM), the law of its characteristic impedance in frequency domain was obtained. The weighted sum of characteristic impedance of natural frequencies of vibration sources was taken as an objective function. The locations of clamps were optimized with panicle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to make the objective function be minimum. Through optimization of clamp layout, the characteristic impedance of the whole system was reduced by 28.13%. Finally, the simulation results showed that the proposed optimization method is effective and this study provides some theoretical basis for optimization of hydraulic pipelines in an aircraft.
作者 李鑫 王少萍
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期14-20,共7页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金(51175014) 国家"863计划"(2009AA04Z412) 国家教育部"111计划"支持
关键词 管路振动 传递矩阵法 特征阻抗 粒子群算法 卡箍 优化布局 pipeline vibration TMM characteristic impedance PSO clamp optimized layout
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