
街区土地利用、交通供给特征与大型超市购物出行模式研究——以杭州城西为例 被引量:2

Influence of land-use and traffic-supply on travel pattern of shopping-mall in nine sub-districts of Hangzhou,China
摘要 基于杭州城西9个街区1 365份大型超市出行数据,利用居民个体属性、出行距离和土地利用特征3组变量,构建了多项逻辑斯蒂克决策模型,分析了街区土地利用特征对大型超市出行模式的影响.结论为大城市街区的"可达性提高"和"商住混合度增加",可以明显提高大型超市出行的步行(2km内)、自行车(4km内)选择概率;公交服务水平的提升可鼓励大型超市出行的非机动化,但公交密度本身不足以抑制小汽车的选择.提出在"社区商圈"尺度中,有必要遵循空间组织的渐进规划思路,通过"土地利用-交通"一体化措施,优化大型超市的出行结构. Using the explanatory variables of individual attributes, and commuting distance and land-use characteristics, this study develops a muhinomial logistic model to examine the effects of the urban land-use and traffic-supply characteristics on travel pattern of shopping-mall based on a travel survey of 1 365 individuals from nine selected sub-districts of Hangzhou. The results show that, accessibility improvement and mixed land-use of commercial and residential land can encourage more walk and bicycle trips to shopping-mall; while the raise of transit service level encourages more non-motorized travels, but the factor of transit density itself cannot discourage car trips to Shopping-Malh These findings suggest that people's shopping-mall travel behavior will b6 optimized towards achieving 'green pattern' by 'land use-traffic' measures, following an idea of incremental planning of urban spatial organization.
出处 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 2013年第1期93-101,118,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50808155) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助项目(2011QNA4015)
关键词 土地利用 超市购物出行模式 多项逻辑斯蒂克模型 空间组织 land use and traffic-supply travel pattern of Shopping Mall Multinomial Logistic Mode urban spatial organization
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