
军事信息系统容灾备份策略仿真研究 被引量:5

Simulation and Researching of Disaster Backup Strategy of Military Information System
摘要 研究军事信息系统容灾备份的数据部署分配策略,针对现有民用容灾备份机制不能满足军事信息系统多点易损和强动态性的问题,根据灾备需求,构建数学模型,并利用MATLAB对策略中的各种参数设置进行仿真研究,采用备份节点选择的优化算法。首先,仿真研究了备份节点数量与抗毁恢复效果之间的关系,给出备份节点合理设置点;其次,仿真研究了文件粒度与恢复效果稳定性以及文件恢复完整性的关系,给出粒度设置的相关原则;最后提出了基于D-S证据合成规则的数据流向概率算法,解决了强动态性下备份节点选择的难点问题,并经仿真证明,用提出的策略,系统抗毁恢复效果显著提高。 Strategy of data deployment and distribution in military information system disaster backup was studied. Military information system has the characteristics of multiple-point vulnerability and dynamic, to which the current civilian disaster backup mechanism cannot resolve well. By analyzing demands of disaster backup, mathematic analy- sis model was built up, and by using MATLAB, the way of setting up the parameters in the strategy and algorithm of backup points choosing was simulated and researched. Firstly, we studied the relation between backup points and re- cover effects, and gave out the optimized setting. Secondly, we studied the relation between piece size and the stabili- ty of recovering effect, and gave out the relative setting principle of the piece size. At last, based on D-S evidence theory, a probability algorithm of data directing was proposed and proved by simulating experiment, which can resolve the problem of backup points choosing. It turns out very effective.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期23-27,共5页 Computer Simulation
关键词 军事信息系统 容灾备份 策略 证据理论 Military information system Disaster backup Strategy D-S evidence theory
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