

English Automated Essay Scoring System Application Research Based on Semantic Web Technology
摘要 本文首先评介国内外具有代表性的作文自动评分系统,介绍语义网的相关概念及特点;然后分析语义网技术如何应用于英语作文自动评判系统及构建实施方案流程图;最后展望该技术应用于中国英语学习者作文自动评分所面临的问题和发展前景。 This paper first reviews representative automated essay scoring system at home and abroad,introduces the concept and characteristics of the semantic web;then analyze how semantic web technologies used in automated assessment system for English composition and build embodiment flowchart;Finally,the future of the technology in China,English learners' automated essay scoring face the problems and prospects for development.
作者 谢少华
机构地区 武汉科技大学
出处 《科教导刊》 2012年第35期166-167,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 语义网技术 英语写作 作文自动评判 semantic web technology English writing automated essay scoring
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