利用两个不同基因型高粱分别进行人工改型 ,以求最佳株型结构。结果表明 ,改型后对产量有显著的影响 ,两品种产量最高的株型结构分别比对照增产 31 .85%和58.79%。其高产株型结构特征是上部 1~ 4片叶紧凑上冲 ,或上部 1~ 6片叶直立上冲 ,而下部叶片披散。其高产株型在千粒质量、粒梗比、穗粒质量。
The best construction of plant type was studied through man made changement of plant type for two different genotype sorghums.The result showed that changing the plant type had significant effect on yield,and compared with CK,the yield of best plant type for the two varieties increased by 31.85% and 58.79%respectively.The plant type construction for high yield was characterized by keeping upper 1-4 leaves erect and arranged tightly or the upper 1-6 leaves erect,while the lower leaves hang down loosely.For high yielding plant type,1 000 grain weight,grain/stem,grain yield/panicle and economic coefficient etc.were increased to some degrees.
Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(Natural Science Edition)